CrossPoint Kids



What is CP Kids?

In CrossPoint Kids, we desire for our children to be Surrendered Worshipers, Maturing Followers, Compassionate Servants, and Kingdom Multipliers. The two greatest influences in a child’s spiritual life are their parents and the church. We use the Orange Curriculum to help us partner with parents, the primary spiritual leaders, to teach our children how to come to salvation and have a growing relationship with Jesus. We strongly believe that when the parents and the church work together to combine their two influences it can take a child farther in their spiritual journey than being two separate influences. Ultimately we love God and we love kids and we want your family to love God too!






Lesson: Come On, Let's Go (February 24 - 3)

Elementary Lesson
  • Title: Come On, Let's Go
  • Bottom Line: Jesus wants us to work together.
  • Memory Verse: "Two people are better than one. They can help each other in everything they do." Ecclesiastes 4:9, NirV
  • Bible Story: Jesus and His Followers (Luke 5:1-11, 27-32; 6:12-16, 8:1-3)
  • Basic Truth: I should treat others the way I want to be treated.
  • Lesson Date: February 24 - 3
  • Lesson Movie
    252 Movie creates a fully dramatized presentation of the Bible story using contemporary characters and comedic sketches. Movie is great for engaging the older kids in the room.
  • Story Video
    252 Story tells the Bible story in a simple, direct manner with a professional storyteller and unique illustrations in a variety of styles. Story is fantastic for K-3 and combined K-5 environment
  • View God Time Card (Weekly)
  • View Parent Cue (Monthly)



Preschool & Toddlers


Lesson: Jesus Can Calm A Storm (February 24 - 3)

Pre-School Lesson
  • Title: Jesus Can Calm A Storm
  • Bottom Line: Jesus can do anything.
  • Memory Verse: "And the power of the Lord was with Jesus." Luke 5:17, NIV
  • Bible Story: Calming The Storm (Matthew 8:23-27; Mark4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25)
  • Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
  • Lesson Date: February 24 - 3
  • Lesson Movie
    252 Movie creates a fully dramatized presentation of the Bible story using contemporary characters and comedic sketches. Movie is great for engaging the older kids in the room.
  • Story Video
    252 Story tells the Bible story in a simple, direct manner with a professional storyteller and unique illustrations in a variety of styles. Story is fantastic for K-3 and combined K-5 environment
  • God Time Card (Weekly)
  • Parent Cue (Monthly)