I've been having a difficult time trying to figure out how I feel since we launched our series called Sent. But, now I think I have it.
It's prom.
You know, pretty excited and a whole lot of nervous. Kind of smiling through the nausea. Yep, that's the way it feels.
Any other series is just be about Bible study and teaching theological content. But, this one brings with it the promise of new work, hardship in joy, and everything that goes into the bringing about of new life in a new place through new work with a new campus called CrossPoint.
And not just one, but five new campuses.
Maybe it's not prom, maybe it's the feeling of bringing home quintuplets... now there's a thought for you.
To be a church that is Sent, means more than just understanding and believing. It means that we have to be at church of action, bearing fruit, connected to the vine that is Jesus, and willing to go through whatever we need to go through to become whatever He wants us to become.
Again, that can be a little intimidating. But, on the other hand, isn't that the way we want to live?
I will tell you the truth: I believe what we're venturing into right now maybe one of the most difficult things we've ever try to accomplish as a church. I'm fairly certain that we will be tired, we will have to do without, we will suffer some disappointments, and there will be days we will ask her so if the question, "What were we thinking?"
Yet, we've already seen God open doors and be present in a way that is almost tangible. Despite the difficulties, and after 20 plus years of ministry, I can say that there is no hesitation in choosing the hard road with God or the easy road without him.
I'm going to take the hard road any day.
And that's why, I'm inviting you to join us on this journey that we call Sent. It's not just a series, and it's definitely not for the faint of heart.
This is where the rubber meets the road, and Christianity takes on hands and feet… your hands and feet. To be the body of Christ.
So I guess there's only one question left, will you go to prom with me?