For CrossPoint Church, 2017 was a year of return, strength and progress. Beginning our journey to five new locations via the SENT campaign returned us to our original DNA as a church, thinking outside ourselves and believing God for the miraculous. CrossPoint Osawatomie is already a true joy as our newest campus. Movement toward Wichita, McPherson, Abilene and Fort Hays State University make 2018 all the more exciting. CrossPoint was strengthened through a half- year long series on the Sermon on the Mount. A flag was planted in the ground. We’re not cultural Christians, we are Jesus followers. And, progress made as we made huge strides in developing “central teams” connecting the people and resources of our campuses like never before!
Across our network, God worked in mighty ways. Here are some highlights from each of our campuses:
- CP Concordia celebrated 8 baptisms in 2017
- They began a new ministry in the local jail, through which individuals have come to know Jesus and experienced freedom that lasts for eternity
- Many new faces have come through CP Concordia’s doors to find a church home
Great Bend
- CP Great Bend finished an addition of children’s classrooms to their building, allowing them to expand their ministry to families within the church and in the community
- CP Great Bend began weekly CrossTraining this year, ministering to 30-50 individuals of all ages each Wednesday night
- A member of CP Great Bend came to know Jesus this year. She is one testimony amongst many of a life changed!
- Twenty-four CrossPointers from Hays took a trip to Ogallala, Nebraska, helping connect seven new families to Ogallala Community Church
- CP Hays partnered with Fort Hays State University Christian Challenge and Central Baptist Association and held their first worship service on the FHSU campus in March 2017
- CP Hays' youth group has grown with the development of a student leadership team, increase from an average of five students to an average of twenty-five students
- Seventy-eight baptisms were celebrated over the course of the year
- God worked in CP Hutch’s partnerships with local and international missions like Hutchinson Children’s Shelter, Care Portal, and Love Justice International
- Many new families have found a home at CrossPoint Hutchinson and several people are involved in various serving roles, helping build God’s Kingdom here on earth
- Five baptisms were celebrated in 2017 as a result of individuals coming to know Christ as their Lord and Savior
- CP Lindsborg’s children’s ministry has also expanded with the addition of two children’s rooms onto the building
- CP Lindsborg partnered with The Associated Churches of Lindsborg this year to help take care of the poor in their city
- In 2017, our online campus reached families and individuals who are not able to physically attend church due to illness, travel, or other circumstances
- An average of 100 individuals from all over the country participated in a CrossPoint Online service each week--this does not include the 2-5 or more people who watched and listened with them (the system only counts one person per log in/viewing)
- CP Osawatomie opened their doors for their first service on June 4, 2017
- They celebrated their first salvation and baptism - just one life of many to come that has been forever changed because of the gospel
- During the fall, CP Osawatomie hosted over 250 kids from the community at their trunk or treat
- CP Salina has seen their attendance steadily increase and celebrated many salvations and baptisms along with this growth in 2017
- With twelve total Grow Groups meeting throughout the city, CP Salina also started Grow Groups in Abilene, KS and Ellsworth, KS, in hopes of reaching these cities and potentially having campuses there one day
- CP Salina’s staff grew early in the year when they hired Joey Morgan as their full time worship leader
- 2017 was an especially exciting year for CrossPoint Sterling as they celebrated their ten year anniversary as a campus
- CP Sterling gained two new staff members this year: a Children’s Director and a Youth Director
- Two different teams went to Guatemala this year and helped with various needs in some communities
- The community experienced great physical damage and loss in August 2017 during a severe hailstorm. CP Wakeeney was directly affected by this and is temporarily meeting at the Western Electric Cooperative building while they search for a new, permanent location.
- Their numbers began to increase after their first Sunday at their temporary location
- Despite the setbacks that have occurred this year, CP Wakeeney has a vision on how to be a more effective voice and witness in the community
A lot has changed across the CrossPoint network in 2017, but God has remained constant. He has made himself known throughout Kansas, and His work is only beginning! As we wrap up the year and look ahead, here's how you can partner with us in prayer over all of CrossPoint:
- Pray for your part in SENT: Pray, Give, Go... in what way is God calling you?
- Pray for generosity amongst the saints for resources needed to move forward in both existing and new ministries of CrossPoint
- Pray for CrossPoint to grow rapidly by ‘conversion’ growth, seeing new believers everyday
- Pray for a passionate culture of discipleship where CrossPoint knows we were made different to make a difference